Electric Heat Pump vs. Solar Pool Heater

A swimming pool is a big investment and one that its owners will want to enjoy as much as they can. The problem is that it can become unusable during the colder months of the year. So in order to avoid wasting your investment when it’s not summer, you should invest in equipment that will let you control the temperature of the water.

woman swimming under water

Currently, there are two types of heaters you can choose from – an electric heat pump or a solar pool heater. They are both viable choices, and each has specific strengths and weaknesses. Which one is the best will depend largely on your needs, requirements, or preferences. Below is an outline of their advantages and disadvantages.

Electric Heat Pumps

The principle behind an electric heat pump is similar to an airconditioner or refrigerator, but done in reverse. It uses electricity in order to suck in air and then transfers it to the pool. It relies on a piping system that sucks in warm air in order to produce the hot water, which is then pumped straight into the pool.

The main advantage of an electric heat pump is that it’s fast. You can heat the pool quickly, making it the ideal choice for people who want things to be available on queue. The disadvantage, on the other hand, is that it can be very expensive. It uses electricity, and like airconditioners, it requires them in large amounts. So if you are trying to save as much money as you want on the upkeep of your pool, an electric heater might not be the best choice.

Solar Pool Heater

A Solar Pool Heater or solar pool pump, as its name implies, relies on solar power. It works by circulating the water from the pool and moving it through a filter, straight into a solar collector usually located in places where there is ample sun, such as the roof. One the water is heated enough, sends the water back to the swimming pool.

The main advantage of a solar powered pool pump is that beyond of the initial cost of installation, it no longer has any operational costs. It does not use any electricity, and since it has less moving parts, generally requires less maintenance and has a longer life expectancy (the average being around 20 years.)

When it comes to disadvantages, there are a number. First is that it takes longer to heat the water. Sunlight will not heat the water immediately, so don’t expect warm pool water immediately upon installation. Additionally, it will depend on the abundance of sunlight. In sunny places like Australia or California, but places that lack direct sunlight may not see much use out of it.

The above information should be enough to give you a working idea on which one is right for your swimming pool. It generally boils down to how much you want to spend on running costs, and whether there is abundant sunlight in your place.

The important thing to note is that both still require maintenance from time to time. Even the relatively maintenance free solar option will still require swimming pool pump repair if it breaks down. Do not hesitate to contact us at CV pools if you need some help with maintenance and repair, of if you are just planning to get a pool heater or pump installed.